Annual conference Development of the entrepreneurial incubator for high technologies of the University of Split

Annual Conference Development of Entrepreneurial Incubator for High Technologies of the University of Split was held on December 14 in the Spinit Incubator for High Technologies of the Technological Park Split. Director of the Technology Park in Split Prof. Dr. sc Sven Gotovac welcomed all present and presented the whole project with special attention to the moments of immigration of “tenants” to the Technological Park.

Rector Ljutić pointed out the occupancy rate which, despite the forecasts, has exceeded all expectations and the Technology Park is now already at 100% capacity, while Prefect Blaženko Boban noted that Split-Dalmatia County cooperates with Spinit in the greatest possible diversity and thanked Rector Ljutić and the Director of the Technology Park, Prof. Dr. sc. Sven Gotovac.

On behalf of the Mayor of the City of Split, Goran Batinić emphasised that the Technological Park should not be considered exclusively as a business infrastructure, but also as an ecosystem that generates various activities from within itself. The city of Split is extremely interested because it is connected with the project of the Technological Centre in Dračevac, which has been quietly worked on and whose construction should start in the spring of 2022.

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